Thursday 6 December 2012

" Gold! Hehehe! Gold! "

For anyone not as depressingly obsessed with the Simpsons as I am, the title of this post is in reference to one particular scene (found here: but which also, funnily enough, has some relevance to what you about to start reading. Right, got that off my chest, lets move on shall we?

So, what with having a minute of free time to myself with the Uni semester being over and all, I have found myself diving headfirst into all things creative, though I may have gone in a little fast and am now trying to swim through a bedroom filled with paints, new cookie cutters, various spray paints and and unholy amount of feathers!

Funnily enough, amongst this kaleidoscope of ideas and random impulses, I have finally dipped my toe into the wonderful world of jewellery making. Having started investigating this little corner of the artistic world, I find myself asking "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!"

In the past couple of weeks the unlimited possibilities of DIY jewellery have resulted in numerous trips to Spotlight and various other crafty stores on an almost daily basis to the point of being a daily pilgrimage! I don't really consider myself a typical girly-girl (in fact the word 'girl' itself conjures up images of sunshine and daisies! I think I prefer the word 'chick'... much more rock and roll...) and as such I have never really been that big on jewellery. However, in the past couple of years necklace hooks and jewellery holders have not only found their way into my bedroom but have somehow become home to an eclectic collection of gold, silver (or at least mostly faux metals!), woods, brass etc. Whilst to the untrained eye this collection would appear a mass jumble of random and discordant pieces, to me they reflect me and my personality: they are a little random and typically a bit kooky or quirky - much like me! After all, what is fashion but a form of self-expression? Sure we wear things that fit certain occasions (I'm fairly certain I won't be wearing one of my many over sized owl necklaces to an office job interview anytime soon!) but generally when I'm out and about I want my appearance to reflect something about myself and.... (this has possibly been the longest segway ever!) what better way to achieve this than to make it myself!

Yay! I finally got around to the point, good for me. Right, pat myself on the back and on we go....

So, as you may have gathered from the title of this blog, I love feathers! They are a sign of hope and calm for me and so I try to surround myself with them as much as possible. Needless to say, I wanted my first attempt at jewellery making to incorporate feathers in some way and happened to stumble upon this tutorial whilst whittling away the hours on Pin Interest (procrastinations new best friend!) :  (its helps translating it to English!).

So it was simple, had feathers... I was on board!


So, by generally following the tutorial linked above (if your trying this yourself and, like me, have no idea what you're doing, follow this tute!) I managed to make myself my first ever necklace. Yay!
This has to be the easiest necklace to make...ever!
Simply get:
  1. Craft feathers
  2. Gold spray paint
  3. Basic gold chain
  4. A couple of split rings and leather clasps
  5. Pair of craft pliers
Got all that? Ready to go? Excellent.

Step 1.
Using your pliers stick the leather clasp (I guess you could use some other kind of clasp, I just used these ones) onto the end of the feather 
Step 2.
Spray the feathers (and I did the chain also to  make sure they matched perfectly!) with the gold paint. It may take several coats, especially if, like me, you used bright purple and red feathers to start with!
Step 3.
Attach a split ring to each leather clasp and then attach them to each end of the gold chain  
Step 4.
Tie the two ends of the chain together, leaving enough hanging room at the end for the feathers to dangle in the breeze
Step 5.
Step 5? Who needs a step 5!? Your already done! Enjoy your new gold necklace and all its feathery goodness!  

Enjoy!   xo


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